Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tea for two

Here are two lil pouches I created for a Tea swap. They will hold two tea bags and a sugar pouch.
I hope the two partners I have will enjoy the pouches and the tea inside.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bottlecap Pin Cushions

Now these were a lot of fun. What cute things you can come up with out of a throw away bottlecap.

Here I used two regular size soda bottle caps and one Large Mouth juice bottle cap. Check them out....

Now I am hooked. You know I will be making more of these. They are easy to carry with me when the girls have lessons and what not just like those cute lil stuffies. Ohh how easy it is to get hooked on this stuff.
I was always told... idle hands are the devils workshop. Well devil you aint got nuttin doin here!!!

Paper-less ATC

We were to make an ATC (Artist trading card) without using paper of any kind. I read the profile of my partner and saw that she likes gardening and birds so I created this first one... It is made of gardening fabric with a bird, a flower, and two lady bugs made from Shrinky dink plastic. The second one was inspired from a card I received from a friend a long time ago (thanks Betz) It is made of felt and white cotton material. I used marker to draw the lines on the felt and glitter glue for the 'frogs' eyes. (Yes that is supposed to be a frog :-( ... I tried)

I hope my partner will enjoy these.